Anne Arundel County Fire Pac |
1. Provide the opportunity for individuals interested in the health, safety, and livelihoods of professional fire fighters to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for State or Local Office who believe and have demonstrated their beliefs in the principles to which the organization is dedicated. To further these purposes, the Fire Pac is empowered to solicit, directly or indirectly, and accept, voluntary personal contributions, and to make expenditures in connection with the attempt to influence the selection, nomination, or election of any individual to any State or Local Office.
2. Abide by the adopted By-Laws of the Fire Pac.
Anne Arundel County Professional Fire Fighters Burn Foundation, Inc. |
1. Promote this Local Union's commitment to the Anne Arundel County Professional Fire FightersBurn Foundation, Inc.
2. Promote fund raising activities as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Foundation.
Anne Arundel County Professional Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation, Inc. |
1. Promote this Local Union's commitment to the Anne Arundel County Professional Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation, Inc.
2. Promote fund raising activities as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Foundation. |
Contact: Jamie McIntosh
Constitution By-Laws |
Shall keep watch as to the necessary changes which may be required from time to time to our Constitution and By-Laws and report the same to the body as needed. |
Contact: Adam Palinkas
Good and Welfare |
Shall visit all sick and injured members and report their condition to this Local. |
Grievance |
Shall consist of the Executive Board. It shall be their duty to hear and act on the legal grievances and take proper steps to expedite the same. |
Legislative |
Shall oversee and review all legislation prepared for presentation of the County Council resulting from Collective Bargaining negotiations or any other source to determine if such legislation is in the best interest of the membership of this Local. |
Membership |
Shall see that all members of the Anne Arundel County career fire service, eligible under Article III Section 1, of our Constitution, are admitted to this Local Union. |
Contact: Adam Palinkas
Motorcycle Group |
Promote membership of active and retired members who enjoy motorcycles, bringing together diverse individuals by promoting good fellowship through the principles of aiding and assisting its members |
Negotiations |
Shall prepare all information for Collective Bargaining negotiations, conduct such negotiations with the County Administration, and shall have the full authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the Local to sign any or all agreements resulting from such negotiations which they may deem necessary for the betterment of the membership of the Local. |
Contact: Beth Oldershaw
Nominating & Elections |
1. Shall conduct all elections in accordance with Article VII Section 5, of our Constitution and ByLaws.
2. Shall have the duties and responsibilities as set forth in Article VII Section 4, of our Constitution and By-Laws. |
Property - Firemark, LLC |
1. The purpose of Firemark, LLC is to acquire, develop, manage, lease and sell real estate, and to engage in any other lawful purpose and/or business. Firemark shall abide by the original operating agreement; Furthermore, both Firemark, LLC and the Executive Board shall approve all amendments to the operating agreement and/or policies.
2. Eight (8) Trustees shall manage Firemark. The President and Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as Trustees by virtue of office. The six (6) remaining Trustees shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board and shall serve three (3) year terms.
3. Maintain the Suite owned and occupied by L-1563. Seek out and recommend reputable contractor services when repairs are needed over Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
4. The Executive Board shall be solely responsible to direct the Hall and all policies associated with its use. A schedule for hall rental shall be maintained and
Contact: Leroy Wilkison
Public Relations |
Shall take charge and plan the proper publicity for this Local as may be designated by the members. The Chairman of said committee shall always be on the alert for new ideas and means of better understanding between the Fire Service and the Public. |
Contact: Jamie McIntosh
Recreation |
Shall promote and regulate the recreational, social and athletic events of this Local. |
Retirement |
Shall represent the retired members of this Local; shall provide assistance in every and any way possible to the retired members of this Local as required; shall keep abreast of pension matters, etc., which shall affect the retired members of this Local. |
Safety |
Shall research and promote the establishment of safety precautions and regulations and the promotion of the health and welfare of the members. Three of the members of the Safety Committee will also be named to the Safety Committee held jointly with County Administration. |
Ways and Means |
Shall devise methods of raising revenue for this Local. |